YOUR i26

Stir, shake, or blend i26 using a shaker cup, blender, or hand mixer.
(Don't have one? We'll send you a free electric hand mixer with your first order of i26 powder, Complete Support, or Fit!)
Start with 1/2 scoop of i26 per day.
Double this amount every 3-4 days until you begin to notice results.
(increased energy, improved sleep or sense of well being).
i26 tastes best with juice, milk, yogurt or ice cream. Precaution: high heat may denature the active proteins in i26, so we do not recommend mixing with hot foods or liquids.
Your Balance Point will tell you exactly how many servings per day are right for you. It's that perfect point when your body tells you "I feel great!"

You should continue taking i26 faithfully for 90 days to give your body time to achieve optimal balance.
Not satisfied? Check out our 90-Day Guarantee
Most people notice improvement with 2 scoops per day, however some people with especially chronic or severe conditions may require additional servings to see results.
*i26 is not intended to treat, cure or prevent disease