What is i26?
i26 is an egg powder made from specific immunity eggs. It delivers antibodies and complex bioactive immune factors to help the body eliminate bacterial pathogens and balance immune inflammatory responses.
Why do I need to take i26 every day?
Our bodies are constantly deploying immune resources to fight infections and sustain its natural balance. By augmenting the immune system’s inventory with supplementary immunoglobulins, i26 allows the the body to more quickly identify pathogens and eliminate them, reducing the likelihood that infection will ever take place.
What are hyperimmune eggs?
The eggs that produce i26 come from hens that have been exposed to specific organisms in order for them to produce antibodies that benefit human immunities. Once these hens produce pathogen-specific antibodies, they pass along those immunoglobulins to their eggs through a natural process known as passive immunity transfer.
How does i26 support probiotic activity?
Because i26 targets at least 26 different pathogenic bacteria commonly encountered by humans, it effectively reduces competition within the gastrointestinal tract, allowing probiotics to flourish. Different from antibiotics, i26 leaves the beneficial flora intact to maintain a naturally balanced microbiome.
What part of the egg is used?
i26 is obtained through a low-heat spray drying process that utilizes the yolk, eggwhite and inner membrane of the eggshell to harness dynamic nutritional benefits.
Will i26 interfere with prescription medications?
No, medications do not interfere with i26 or vice versa, so it can be introduced gradually into one’s diet while still taking medications. Adverse reactions may occur in individuals that suffer from severe egg allergies.
Are there any side effects of i26?
When i26 is quickly introduced to one’s diet in high concentrations, it may cause stomachaches or gastrointestinal discomfort. For this reason, it is suggested that doses of i26 gradually increase over a 30-day period to avoid sudden changes in the gut flora.
Will taking i26 over a long period of time result in tolerance or dependence?
No.i26 provides the body with a multitude of natural compounds that help support balanced immune function, so users will not become dependent or tolerant. Some users may simply choose to increase their daily dosage of i26 to experience the maximum benefits of this product, but will not need to exceed the recommended dosage of 3 servings per day.
How much i26 should I take?
We recommend taking 4.5 g (1 serving) of i26 per day. However, many users take up to 13.5 g (3 servings) per day to experience maximum health benefits.
When is the best time of day to take i26?
We recommend taking i26 in the mornings to help regulate the digestive system from the start of the day. i26 can be taken on an empty stomach or with meals.
Who should take i26?
Any person who experiences frequent gastrointestinal discomfort, is seeking digestive balance, or is concerned about immune health should take IgY Max every day. Also, i26 Companion is the perfect health supplement to keep your furry friends healthy and active.
Have there been any controlled clinical trials using i26 Hyperimmune Egg?
There have been several clinical trials on the effectiveness of i26 for its various applications which you can view by clicking here
How do I order i26?
There are several ways you can order i26. To view products online, simply click here. When you're ready to order, just click on the "order now" button and you will be taken to the shopping cart. If you are an existing customer, just login with your customer account and password. Don't have an account? Sign up here, it's free and easy.
*PS: Even if you do not have a customer reference number, you can create a new customer account by selecting the "I am a new customer" option. Just leave the "Reference Number" box empty on your form.
Would you rather speak with a representative?
Call our toll-free number 1-800-982-3189, we're open five days a week
M-F 7:00am-5pm PT.
What are my buying options?
You have three options when ordering i26 products:
Purchase normally as a retail customer,
Join the Automatic Delivery Program to save 10% on all orders in addition to having your i26 delivered on schedule
Become an i26 member to receive discounts and commission opportunities.
To learn more about the available buying and shipping options, Click here
How do I mix i26?
We recommend that you thoroughly mix i26 with yogurt, milk, or orange juice for the best taste, but we've provided some recipes for you to try at home here.
*Active proteins in i26 may be denatured at high temperatures. For this reason we do not recommend using i26 in any hot liquids or baked foods.

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